Leaders in the energy sector in Kosovo participated in panel discussions with female students to encourage them to pursue their study in technical fields. However, a strong reason behind the low number of women in the energy sector, in addition to globally recognized gender divisions in labor, pertains to lack of institutional support for women and among women.

The goal of establishing a mCircle within an institution or a team is to advance gender diversity through mentoring, networking, skills development, and career self-management. The event was organized to help launch mCircles in each of the energy institutions Kosovo USAID REPOWER works with; and to help institutions identify concrete and implementable actions that will empower women in the energy industry for value and professional development. The workshop has been planned in an effort to orient energy sector institutions with the mCircle concept, along with the benefits and practical application within energy institutions. This event will also provide an excellent opportunity for energy sector professionals to network with one another; and engage in dialogue on challenges facing women in Kosovo in the energy sector.