AWESK has successfully completed the project "Supporting young girls for orientation in STEM through career orientation centers". This project is the first evidence of the work of its members to raise the awareness of girls about the importance of their participation in the economic development of the country.
Subsidized by the Ministry of Economic Development, the project has supported girls in the planning phase of their careers and to meet their potential. At the same time, contribute to combating prejudice and stereotypes that limit girls' participation in certain professions considered "for men."
The fields covered by STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) offer a wide range of opportunities, both in professional development and in employment. They also help address key global challenges such as climate change and fuel supply sustainability by promoting renewable energy.
AWESK members conducted five presentations, in as many cities across Kosovo, during January and February 2020. The closing event was held at the end of June in Pristina.
Continuation of information sessions is a necessary need for young women to receive as much information as possible from their own experienced women in the energy sector.
Meanwhile, the necessity of creating a center for STEM at the central level has been identified, with branches in each city of Kosovo, which will have a special focus on supporting girls in their career guidance.