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AWESK Founders

The AWESK Team, comprised of energy leaders, is designed to drive forward its strategic objectives.


Currently, the Team consists of four founding members who also are representatives of four major energy institutions that helped create the association.

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Arijeta Pajaziti Qerimi

Executive Director


Her professional career as an electrical engineer is complemented by her academic profile with a Master of Science degree from the University of Prishtina. She has been part of the sector for more than 20 years. She currently works as a specialist SCADA / EMS in the Kosovo Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT) and contributes to the advancement of the national agenda for the inclusion of women in energy.

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Mirvete Gërguri

Head of Assembly


A representative of the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK). There she manages the implementation of contracts in the Procurement Office. She holds degrees in both electrotechnics and in public procurement and management.

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Ardiana Haxhidauti Bokshi



She is an economist and has been working as the Head of Administration Unit in the Energy Regulatory Office since 2006. She has attended many trainings related to the management and promotion of gender equality and social inclusion in the energy sector.

She believes that the inclusion of women / girls in energy sector is not only a matter of gender or justice but a necessary strategy for the country's economic development. Excluding them from this field, the talent of a part of society will remain unutilized.

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Fahrije Qorraj Kaloshi

Membership Officer


Representing a policy making institution such as the (former) Ministry of Economic Development. She runs the policies in Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities.

Organizational Structure​


AWESK is a registered non-governmental organization in Kosovo. It is open for membership to all persons based on the principle of non-discrimination.


AWESK functions in the following structure:


Members’ Assembly: comprised of all AWESK members, it is the highest decision-making body, responsible for the organization’s policies and financial matters.


Executive Director: elected by the Member’s Assembly, it is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the AWESK Strategy and work plan. The Executive Director is the official representative of the organization.


Advisory Board: comprised of at least three members, it has the responsibility of advising the Member’s Assembly, the Executive Director and officers of the organization on AWESK annual work plans. The Advisory Board consists of experts in the field of energy, gender, international development, and non-profits and come from the private sector, academia and civil society.


Working Groups: comprised of three working groups, it consists of members who focus on the strategic objectives.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

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